Ok... so I personally don't own an anole but my best friend's nephew does. However she's the one that has to take care of it because he's so young. (Lol xD) She feeds it in a seperate container, and it's mealworms. However.. he's a little fickle so instead of leaving him alone ot eat in silence, she picks him up by the tail and puts him infront of the meal worm to let it eat. I noticed that his tail (he's a green anole.) from where she picks him up (Not at the base... like.. in the middle close to the tip) is starting to turn brown. I try to tell her it's probally hurting him, since he thrashes around when she does so, but she always tells me that it's the only way to get him to eat. (Which is true.) So like... should she stop doing this? Or like.. does anyone have any ideas as to how to get him to eat the mealworms... without lifting him up by his tail?
You shouldn't feed an anole in a separate enclosure, it causes too much stress on them. He should stop picking up his anole the only reason I would ever pick an anole up would be in an emergency still I almost always shoo them into a plastic cup to transport them. Is he using newly molted worms? They are easier for anoles to eat. Juat place them in a shallow bowl and he should eat them when he is hungry. Also my anoles eat crickets a lot more than mealworms, and when I put a sampler of small earthworms, mealworms, waxworms, crickets, and fruit flies they only ate the crickets and fruit fies. Good lusk on getting his anole to eat.
She... my friend's a she XDD none-the-less I'll tell her. I was trying to tell her that perhaps it was bad to feed them in a seperate area. Ah well. I'll call her up later.Thank you o: