UVB vs. Supplementation in RES

Discussion in 'Turtles' started by swampthing00, Oct 6, 2008.

  1. swampthing00

    swampthing00 Embryo

    Hi all,

    I would like some advice. I have had a red eared slider for about 8 years now. At the time that I bought him (impulse purchase I admit) I did online research into his care, and based on what I read at that time, I concluded that it was ok to omit full spectrum UVB/A fluorescent lighting IF I supplied the ReptoCal supplement with his food, which contains both Calcium and Vitamin D3. So, while he has a basking light, he has never full spectrum fluorescents. I had a friend tell me that I was wrong about this and that it was only a matter of time until my turtle developed softshell. So I am asking for advice. He has never had any signs of poor health or softshell in his 8 years that I can tell, but if I am dooming him to a short life I certainly want to remedy the situation.

    So, is supplementation with ReptoCal sufficient for preventing metabolic bone disease or is UVB an absolute necessity also?


    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. turtlebreeder

    turtlebreeder Embryo

    UVA/UVB is absolutely necessary . You cannot even come close to duplicateing the uva/uvb from the sun with a lightbulb and have little to no chance with a supplement.

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