water dragons water question

Discussion in 'Water Dragons' started by waterdragonbreeder, Oct 23, 2004.

  1. waterdragonbreeder

    waterdragonbreeder New Member

    8) i want to know can you put rain water in a water dragons water and i want to know what would be better a waterfall or a water bowl and i want to know what is the best setup the water dish in the corner or in the middle of a cage i want the best for my water dragon zippy

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. HeavyMetal

    HeavyMetal New Member

    There are two things to consider when evaluateing what kind of water for you water dragon. First of all, does it have chlorine in it? (If it's tap water it does, leave it out for 24 hours with no lid on the bottle or bowl before presenting it to your dragon, this will let the chlorine evaporate) And the second thing to consider is, would you drink it? So if the 'rain water' you are asking about would be something you would have no problem drinking it should be great for your WD. I use either room temperature bottled water of room temperature water I have left out for 24-48 hours.

    A water dish is better then a waterfall in my opinion. Only a few waterfalls are able to be completely dis-assembled for thourough cleaning with bleach and water (this must be done or else you risk introducieng a breeding ground for fungus and bacteria). So, a multi part water fall that cannot be dis-assembled is not good, the ones you can take apart are probably ok and help with humidity. As far as putting your water dish for the dragon...I think thats personal preference. I go with the corner of the tank near (but not under) the basking light, this assures me the water is not too cold for the WD. NEVER put refrigerated or ice cold water in with a water dragon, if they jump into it it can shock there nervous system. Hope this helps you with info. :p

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