Western Fence lizard wont eat, diet? Stress?

Discussion in 'General Lizards' started by Yasuda, Sep 13, 2009.

  1. Yasuda

    Yasuda Embryo

    Hi, I recently caught a Western Fence lizard. He won't eat or drink- Is he stressed (specific and detailed answer plz)? If so, how can I make him less stressed. I also wanna know what Western Fence Lizards eat. If he is a baby, what size does the food have to be? Also, additional questions- What is a suitable cage for him (what inside). I know captivating a wild lizard is stressful for him, but I want to try caring for him. I won't get angry at any answer, because I probably know what your all going to say... :(

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Yasuda

    Yasuda Embryo

    OKAY, I CHANGE THE QUESION A LITTLE. If they are under stress, how will they become less stressed or when? I would buy pinhead crickets, but I don't want to waste money in case he/she ends up not eating even though I bought a very good food. So, what can I use a a temporary food that's cheap (and found at a store, not online) until he starts eating and I could trust him to eat all the pinhead crickets when I spend a lot on them. Or, where (online or store) can I buy just 50 or less pinhead crickets for cheap (just to see if he/she will eat them)? Main question- what other food that is cheap can i buy for temporary food? Thanks

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. teiryklav

    teiryklav Member

    ok sorry for the late reply. from what i read western fence lizard is not easily stressed, they eat mostly anything and dnoesnt need large space. so i think you should give him anything that may fit in his mouth, give him a 20 gallon enclosure with all things necesarry (hide, basking lamp) and it will be active. and we need to know the size of the lizzie.. :(
    hope this helps..

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. Yasuda

    Yasuda Embryo

    Thanks! My captured Irwin (name) is less than 2 inches (...or mebbe 2 inches) long including the tail. I saw 2 more within the same weekend (baby from a mother recently?). Also, I don't have a heat lamp, BUT my house is 80-90 degrees regularly and over 75 degrees at night- so do I need a heat lamp? If so, how strong? What temperatures are needed? I heard that they could be in a 5 or 10 gal. tank. I don't have another glass tank, so I used a glass bin (about 5 gal.) that I used for my collection of wwii (which doesn't have to do with the cricket). Is that big enough (since cages cost a lot)? I think he IS stressed, though...idk really, but...Thanks anyway! :(

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