What Snakes Eat Lizards/Geckos Etc??

Discussion in 'General Snakes' started by kneisser608, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. kneisser608

    kneisser608 Embryo

    Just as the title says? What types of snakes that reach 2-4feet long normally eat lizard/geckos/frogs etc? I can't have frozen mice in the house, but maybe a frozen mouse/pinky whatever once a month, but for a regular diet, which ones can have other small reptiles? And if so, which reptiles can they eat?

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Crazy4Herps

    Crazy4Herps Hooked on Reptiles

    Garters eat fish, earthworms, leeches, minnows, etc. Fun pets, don't get much over 3'.

    There are many other lizard-eating and insect-eating snakes, but they are more difficult to keep and not recommended for beginner keepers.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. teiryklav

    teiryklav Member

    so you want snakes that eats small reptiles. one word! CANDOIA!! that's a type of boids that are very easy to keep, there are however some type of them. i recomend viper boa (candoia aspera) or pacific boa (candoia carinata)
    as for candoia carinata, most get to about 2 feet, but some rare occasion can get to 3 feet or more (usually from different locale)
    and for aspera, they mostly get to 3 or 4 feet. a recomend you not to buy babies, and WC, but buy CB ones. young babies are often said not to take any food, but truly a few tricks will get them to eat. but if you get a juvenile or an adult ones, you will find a very very docile and non-picky eater.
    i've kept candoia carinata in the past, it's arboreal nocturnal boa, and she's so sweet, never bit me, and accept any kind of lizard i gave her. i gave her house geckos, land lizard, long tailed lizard, and she ate them all.
    for candoia aspera, that's non arboreal but nocturnal too, they also accept lizards and geckos, but i don't know about frogs. you'd better not to give frogs, they might have mild venom but may be dangerous for your snakes.
    they also accpet pinkie mouse, fuzzyis, and the big ones can eat white mice.
    also, they don't need much space, i believe 10 gallon is enough for an adult carinata, and 20-30 is enough for adult aspera

    ok that's all, candoia carinata photos can be seen in some of my thread and my signatures, mine's colours are not the best, there are many variations from red to grey, and the patterns are differents too, but mine is quite common and the red ones are quite rare, but getting this things, you won't regret it! hope you got it well :D

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