Where to get mealies?

Discussion in 'Feeder Forum' started by amishboy, Jul 1, 2007.

  1. amishboy

    amishboy Embryo

    I recently moved from Columbus to Dayton, Ohio and I cant seem to find a good supplier to get mealies from. I used to get them from the reptile show, but I cant justify driving an hour and a half to get mealies. Where can I get a large quantity from that I will be happy with? I figured that I might as well start a colony that way I dont have to worry about it any more.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. KatNdev

    KatNdev New Member

    Mind telling me where the reptile show is in columbus??Thats where I live now, but don't know much about reptile stores here, as I just really got started with reptiles in april.

    Also you could try online...I used armstrongcrickets.com to get my crickets, but they have a ton of other feeders like meal worms, supers and such.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. amishboy

    amishboy Embryo


    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. KatNdev

    KatNdev New Member

    Thanks for the info that's not too far away, i'll have to check it out in a couple weeks.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  9. Leopard_Geckos_Unlimited

    Leopard_Geckos_Unlimited Embryo

    Where to get mealies

    We started having the same problem and the petstores mealies suck & more expensive. We were also starting to breed geckos which meant we needed alot more too. We 1st starting getting them in bulk from The Bug Co. you can order online or by phone. We 1st got they're crickets too and all their insects are very healthy/gutloaded-you can tell the difference! We've gotten they're waxworms and superworms too. Actually I was looking in my reptiles mag. and there's so manty difference places that you can get mealies from. I do think some of them might be even cheaper than the bug co. but by that time I knew were breeding our own. It's too easy!! You don't need many at all to start up a colony. But I'd compare some different ones on online for the best prices. The Bug Co. did get here faster than this last place we used to get the best wax worm breeder's kit. They were great when they got here. I do like breeding out my own insects though for many reasons,all the right sized mealies for my geckos hatchlings-Adults. I know what they're getting ,it's easy,never run out and have more than we need, cheaper. here's a couple more websites to try:
    ebugco.com (the bug co.) This is the one I've used They are great!
    Reptilefood.com, wormman.com , Millbrookcrickets.com,
    waxwormkit.com - this is where we got our waxworm breeder kit & last order of waxworms at and I have to say they had the BEST waxworms I've even seen!-very impressive! They also carry mealies in bulk ,food for them and breeding kits for both. I can tell you now to breed mealies w/o the kit,if interested? They can go in to just about any type of container and can't get out as the beetles either. The waxworms turn into moths so they required a special container.-very cheap for everything that came w/ it! We have so many little waxworms now it's crazy!

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