Hi new anloe owner here, At the pet store the anole was bright green I've had it home for a few days and now it seems to have developed a brown face and a white stripe down its back. It seems to be eating and drinking well but I am having some trouble with the humidity level cant seem to get it over 50. The heat stays between 70-75. Is this condiation anything I need to worry about or is he just still getting used to the place. Thanx in advance for any advice & help.
Thanx I've read that I've also read that it's a sign of a young anole, males can have it also. My anole also has a large red dewlap and 2 little bumps at the base of it's tail by the vents. Bein doing a lot of research and there seems to be a lot of contridicting info and confusing info out there.
from the research ive done on my anoles that sounds like a juvy male, the darkend color also points that way from what ive seen with my anoles the male is always a shade darker than the female, except for today - they coupled up and he tapped her lil green behind so babies are surely coming now been waiting on this one as for the humididty - i have a screen top on my tank but i took a cheet of news paper and wrapped it with plastic and stapled the edges then lay it over top the screen seems to insulate the tank holding both temp and humidity in also i mist the tank twice a day keeping the substrate damp but not saturated to provide the humidity hope it helps - seems to work for me