hi cheris and axe im so very worried. i was cruzin some post on ks and got a link to one of yours. all this time ive been thinkin "man buddy is nasty dragin his but through his poop. see originally he had a lil yellow around his vent area. i figured it would go away next shed. but it didnt it was there so i still thought it was poop. now it is getting bigger and its on the back of his tail....now im thinkin it cant just be poop but may be well i got some pics hopfully i want be labled a bad beardie dad and buddy is just nasty and rubbs his butt in his poo. but im afraid its started in his vent area and then came outr to surface and is growin. so either ease my worries or post me a bad bearde dad for not catching this earlier. ...fingers crossed.....ps if its yellerfungus im goin postal on howie....buddy came from petsmart about 4 months ago and was 5 inches long now hes 18 inches long...fingers still crossed....................... ok well if pics dont show go to this link to get to um http://www.printroom.com/ViewAlbum.asp?use...&album_id=92210 [Edited on 13/12/2002 by CheriS]
I am by no means an expert but IMHO that does not look normal! This is again my opinion (what I would do).... Axe I am sure will come along and either elaborate or correct any errors that I may give you. First: take everything out of the cage and disenfect EVERYTHING with novlasan or a 10% bleach solution. Second: While everything is airing out give your beardie a bath and then apply some anti-fiungal cream as outlined in the article on Yellow Fungus in the Knowledgebase section of this site. (Here is the link to that article: http://www.reptilerooms.com/modules.php?op...rtid=35&page=1) I would say that if things dont start to imporve after a few days then go to the vet and see if they can give you something a bit stronger to treat your dragon.
To me, that almost definitely looks like the yellow fungus. PetSmart was a big problem with this a few months ago due to where their dragons originated. Have a read of teh article like Stormy says, and Cheri will probably pop in and have a look at your post. She'll be able to give you more accurate advice than myself with regards to treatment. But, I would print out that knowledgebase article and take it down to a vet, along with your dragon, if I were you. Best of luck Yellermelon.
Axe, I agree with you too. It looks like yellow fungus to me. I recommend taking him to a very knowlagable vet. Here is a good site for info on both petsmart and yellow fungus. http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/forums/showthread.php3?s=&threadid=9920 ://http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/for...&threadid=9920 Good luck!!
:"( I can't say it is "yellow fungus" without a culture but it certainly appears to be a fungus and a yeast one also, and I'd also worry that it originated internally and has spread to the outside through his feces, irritating the skin there. Since you state that it came from a pet store that we know has had more than a fair share of animals test postivie for this, You need to discuss this with you Vet. There are several things you can start doing immediatly while waiting for the Vet or Culture if you go that route. Start medicated baths, rinsing him good afterwards and also add active bacteria or acidophilus (health food stores or pharmacy) to the beardies diet. Neither will harm him and if it is yeast based infection will help. Since this is following right after a treament for coccidia (another thing that seems to plague beardies from PetSmart) there is also the possiblity that his stomach flora is out of balance allowing a good ole yeast infection to bloom and affecting the tissue it comes in contact with, which would only get worse after a shed as its fresh new tissue to irritate and spread. Usually you also see them appearing to have a "bad tummy" and not eating as well. No matter what, let you Vet see this and discuss it with him, and also please keep us advised what he says and how buddy fairs. Cheri [Edited on 13/12/2002 by CheriS]
Also you can do betadine dips, its in a low area on him so easy to do. Mix betadine with water, til you have a weak tea color and dip his vent and tail area in it(keep good ventilation for him when doing this as the bedadine smells and they are not fond of the odor. If its fungal/yeast, it will start to turn alot darker then kinda crust and fall off. Cheri
thaTS the responces i was afraid of...none the less. i have acidolphilins things eyespy sent me with zoey, fo lilly (my other beardie) i have betadine and will start this asap. also my vet IS RESURCHING THIS CUZ HE HAD NOT HEARD OF IT. HES CRUZIN OVER HERE AND TO THOSE VET WEBSITES WERE NOT ALLOWED TO GO ON TONIGHT LOL. woops diddnt mean to be screamin..lol anyway.so what puzzles me is he is eating acting playing like normal i never woulda thought anything woulda been wrong with him if i hadnt wondered what the crap that was? oh well ill get it taken care of asap thanks 1000000 bunches for your help, buddy thanks you all too
Don't worry about the Bad daddy thing, your not.... We missed it for some time also. We saw a tiny spot on his tummy when we first took him to the vet a few days after getting him. He thought it was where he attached to the egg. Later, I thought our baby beardie had stepped into some of the strained baby peaches-sweetpotatoe I had been giving him and got some on his tummy. Then thought the heat was casuing it to cake there, I soaked him several times, the belly one was dry, the foot was gooey.... he was eating fine and seemed healthy, so there was no real concern to us. He had come through a serious illness that we thought we would lose him, thats why he was eating the baby food. But then he started limping on the affected foot. When a Vet treated it as a bacteria with antibiotic, it got alot worse and we lost him. When another baby started showing the same signs on his back(right) where the first one rested on him... I tried other Vets, sent pictures to Universities and emails to many people in the reptile field, even Steve Irwin. We had it cultured and got nothing(did not know it does not show til around 20 days).....we tried so many things, finally when treating it topically with a med that was for both bactreria and fungal infections, the spots were turning dark and dying and him eating better....... suddenly he started going downhill FAST, we had just got back information about this fungus, but it was too late for him, he had it internally at that point and the humane thing was to put him down. Not all yellow discoloration is the "yellow fungus" this is only one type of a fungus we have now seen in bearded dragons. But they all seem to react well to the same treatment. Another thing that makes it difficult is that beardies will express alot of illness, liver disease, renal problems etc through their scales/skin as a yellow discoloration...... only a vet can rule out other problems.