
Discussion in 'Iguanas' started by UltimateFX, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. UltimateFX

    UltimateFX Member

    My friend couldnt keep his iguana to where he is moving so he asked me if i would take him. I said yes and have him in his cage. He told me the he was aggressive but i think its the way he would hold them. My question is when i put my hand in there he does not get scared he just looks at my hand on the side and when i touch him he like turns his front part to look. Is this ok and hes ok with it or should i step back and just leave my hand in there and then start petting him if hes not already used to it.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. snitch

    snitch Embryo

    We got our hatchling 5 weeks ago. It was whipping its tail and opening its mouth. I still decided to pick him up when I felt like it. I would be gentle, but firm, letting it know that I would not accept that. I would also hold him several times a day for longer and longer periods. When he became more accepting, I let the children hold him (13 and 10). Now they can pick him up, hold him and he falls asleep happily in their hands. It seems the more we handle him, the more he realizes that there is no harm. The repeated action just makes him more comfortable each time. I know that some say not to stress them by picking them up, but our experience proves the contrary. Good luck.

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