african rock python growth

Discussion in 'Other Pythons' started by clarky, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. clarky

    clarky Embryo

    Cheyanne is about 1 and a half years old and is roughly 6 feet long. I have been told that this is small for her age she has two quials and 3 chicks every week and a half to two weeks and she lives in a 3ft x 1.5ft x1.5ft. Am I restricting her too much any advice would be appreciated

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. jeepnphreak

    jeepnphreak Member

    well um, iam not sure how big ARP get in a year. But you cage is too small for one thing. the cage should ba at least 5 feet for that size snake. But cage size will not stunt the growth of a snake. and I would feed it once a week. somthign like two quales one weekend and then the chicks the next weekend. But as long as eating do what fits in you scheduel.

    what thmperatures are you keeping it at. besides under feeded (which seems you are not) and keeping it too cool. genetics are the only other thing that may be why the snake is a bit small on the average.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. bruno

    bruno Moderator

    I agree with jeepnphreak, the cage is very small, I would even recommend an even bigger cage if you have the space and an adult really needs an 8ft x 4ft floor space.
    It is very hard to get a good temperature gradient in a 3ft long cage for them to thermoregulate.
    I have two boa constrictors, both about 9ft and they eat 2 large rats a week, each. I would consider changing the food because from what I have read chicks dont supply enough nutrition, where a rat has everything they need to grow. I agree the feeding should be every week.
    Can you post your temps for both ends, of cage, this will help identify any problems.

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