Babysitting a Tokay

Discussion in 'Tokay Geckos' started by rinako, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. rinako

    rinako New Member

    My science teacher, Mr.D, has asked me to babysit his tokay over the summer, since he is afraid of it. The gecko's name is Jorge or George (also Bill & Bob, their was a war on naming him and it wasn't completely resolved). During the year, we had to change his bedding and I managed to get him in a container. While I was cleaning the other students were circled around him staring at him and then they put a plastic alligator infront of him, which he freaked out because of. I yelled at them, but Mr.D is bad at making the kids listen to him. So, he hasn't really had good experiences with humans. I want to try to tame him enough to get him to be calm or atleast not snap when his cage is being cleaned. So, I need some tips on taming him.

    Thanx :)

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. brendywendy

    brendywendy Well-Known Member

    how old is the little dude?
    is he captive bred or wild caught?
    generally they are just grumpy, but you may after alot of time and effort get them to accept handling, more likely the younger they start

    other than that, just generally get them used to you being in and out of the cage and make sue he gets the fact that you arent out to get him, or hurt him in any way

    get some gloves, pick him up regularly, let him go the instant he seems nervous or jumpy.
    the more hiding places and foliage in his cage the less he will snap at you IMO too

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