Been a while! Anyways my local store has ran out of Mealworms, need advice

Discussion in 'Leopard Geckos' started by Tim3skimo, Nov 10, 2013.

  1. Tim3skimo

    Tim3skimo New Member

    So my Leopard Gecko is 6 months old now, the store sells Superworms for really cheap so I got about 50 for them, I feed her each night - how many superworms should I giver her? They're standard size I think.She should be able to eat them.

    Then something I have forgotten, I have a bowl with calcium powder for her, should I coat her worms with calcium powder still? And how often must I coat with the calcium + vitamin powder?

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Godzillagecko

    Godzillagecko Member

    As many as she'll eat in a 10 minute period. She's young she should be able to take a few down no prob. And yeah they are no wider than the space between her eyes she should be fine. Mine ate them without issues.

    Calcium powder without D3 is recommended. Use a multivitamin to dust her food with. There is several kinds but Repashy is your best multivitamin for her. Dust every feeding till she's 15 months old. Than you can do every other feeding.
    JEFFREH and Tim3skimo like this.

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