He still hasnt gone to the bathroom or anything but he looks fine and does all of his normal routiens. He just sleeps alot more since he is in burmutation. It has been about 2 months now. I give him bath to loosen any particles in his system like someone told me but he still hasnt gone. He eats every once and a while but i dont know where he puts it if he hasnt pooped in 2 months!!!
Moto - please take your BD to see a vet. It should be a major concern for you if he hasn't had a BM for that amount of time. It is always best to be safe than sorry - let us know how you get on.
another thing people would want to know is what comes with it, are you just selling the cage, or are you selling lighting, heating and other stuff with it. Are those sliding glass doors in the front, or arylic or something else. As Orangemen stated, the hide would be better removable, unless the opening is large enough for an adult to fit their hand in, and thoughly clean it. Another thing is, there is something wrong with your beardie and you seem more concerned with a price for this cage, I hope you're going to use the money you make from it and get your beardie some vet treatment. If he's impacted, you could have a serious problem on your hands, I would be less concerned about asking a price for a cage then the well-being of your beardie.
He finnaly did it the other day and now he just sleeps all the time so im pretty sure he is ok now. If I have any more probloms I will certainly bring him to the vet. Thanks for all of your support.
I have seen enclosures similar to yours at a nearby reptile shop they sell them for near $200.00 cash but theres has neat carvings in the rock wall of mermaids and eagles and indian heads among other things.
Are you using an approriate UV bulb? Your viv doesn't look very bright and it doesn't look like your using one.
200...ya seems about right...where do u live lol....i really like it...its different....how long did it take u to make...does he use all 4 corners...or just chill under the spot light all the time
clearly this insensitive character doesnt care about his animals...more concerned about the price...i dont think id pay for it after reading that...since ur not using the right lighting that could be a problem...and maybe hes just been pooping in the hide and u havnt noticed or cleaned it, and he ran out of places to poop...go to a vet regardless to c if all is well
What are you doing with the dragon? Are you planning on it dying from impaction?! Why do you need to sell the cage if you have a Dragon that could use it?
He is fine now. He just sleeps alot. I love my dragon so dont think I just want him to die. I am getting to the point where it is hard to care for him thats why I need to sell him and the cage. I just didnt want to sell him if he was sick. He is fine and doing his normal routines. He eats a little and poops. He must be in brumation though cause he sleeps about 20 hours a day.
Hey Moto, I like the looks of your cage, its awesome. I want to build something for day geckos using the same grout proceedure. I am worried about the grout sealer and if it will be harmful for my geckos as they will be drinking mist straight from the walls. Has your beardie remained healthy in his new cage? Also, what technical advice would you give someone about to use tile grout to build the background of their cage?
You mentioned sand earlier, and although your saying hes pooping, he may be having a hrd time due to a partial impaction due to the sand, take it out pls..
if you have more lighting it would be worth more... id only consider buying that if it did have more lighting, it seems as if there are too many dark spots. just my 2 cents