Dog attack.

Discussion in 'Turtles' started by dna_splice, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. dna_splice

    dna_splice Member

    hey guys.

    my girlfriend owns 2 RES and her parents didnt like the tank in her room
    so one day they decided to put the tank outside.

    that was ok i guess, but they did not put the cover on the tank,
    and somehow the turtles got out...
    they were on table about 3 feet tall.

    one fell into a planter and did not get a scratch.

    but the other one fell onto the cement and chipped his shell bad on the side.
    a chunk about 1/2 of a USA dime is gone and u can see the raw shell.

    and to topp it off her dog bit the turtle....
    there are 2 puncture wounds on the top of its shell.

    also i believe the dog was pushing the turtle on the cement
    because the bottom part of his shell is messed up
    it raw and tore up.....

    my girlfriend and i were in school when all this happend
    so its was a good day that the turtles were out of water.

    that was yesterday. today they are swimming around fine
    but the one turtle is all beat up... bad

    i dont have pics but, it the turtle looks like,
    if u were to run at full speed and slide to a stop on ur face.

    i dont know what to do.
    i know the best thing to do would be to take him to the vet.
    but i know her parents and they are ignorant and wont do it.


    should i quarantine that one turtle and apply some neosproin?

    please help with info as you can.

    thanks. :)

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. coasterrider416

    coasterrider416 Embryo

    There is not much to do, i mean I would need to see pics. Otherwise i would apply small amounts of neosporin and see if maybe you can take him to the vet? just make sure the wounds are kept clean and wait I guess. I hope This helps at least a little.

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