Male Female?

Discussion in 'Water Dragons' started by kelso67, Feb 24, 2010.

  1. kelso67

    kelso67 Embryo


    I am a fairly new Dragon owner... I currently have two .. i bought them about 6 months ago now as a "good pair" from the pet store. Now im not so sure.. i have read countless upon countless sites and forums about sexing but im still on the borderline.. Any way here's the thing,

    For the first few months they seemed to get along great and i was under the impression i had a male and a female.. from what i have read they are now about a year old ... but just recently my slightly bigger dragon has started to head bob and wave "his" arm at the "female" and occasionally charge and nip at her.. this happened at a bare minimum for the first few months so i wasnt too worried i know they just like to be territorial and show whos the leader/// but its getting more and more frequent .. its not a space thing either i have them in a massive home made terrarium and i keep the humidity at about 75 to 80 % during the day.. i have a big cat litter dish for them to swim and at the other end a nice big basking area.. i dont know what to do .. im hoping i could either send someone some pictures by email who knows real well how to distinguish the male or female or put some up here on the site im new so im not sure how .. or just some helpful advice :) ..

    any feedback would be much appreciated .. thanks!

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. MRanderson

    MRanderson Embryo

    hmmm just how big is your terrarium...the proper size for 2 dragons would be very large! also CWDs are somewhat harder to define male from female, the smaller one could be less nourished due to the larger one's abuse; therefore, it would seem much smaller, like a female. How long are they from nose to tip of the tail? the males generally have much larger joules, spikes, and more colors...but only when they reach sexual maturity (info from a local CWD breeder)...mine is a 2ft. male and he is just now getting colors and spikes on his point is they may be two males or females which i believe would cause conflict. oh and i've always heard "head bobbing" is dominant and "arm waving" is submissive, in which case the male should be dominant and the female should be submissive (you said the "larger" dragon waves "his" [i suppose you quoted because you only assume its a he] arm and then attacks the "female"...usually submission (arm-waving) isnt in concordance with showing dominant features (biting and such)
    a pair of lizards means twice the basking size, hide size, pool size and so forth...and maybe try feeding them live food separately (different cages or by hand) in order to ensure both are getting full amounts of food and nutrition
    for pics you set up a photobucket account and copy & paste the IMG information from your uploaded pics onto your posts
    Hope that helps a little

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. crystalwalker

    crystalwalker Embryo

    i have a very small water dragon would like to know if it is a male or female how can i tell

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. Hoyle00cdn

    Hoyle00cdn Embryo

    The younger the water dragon, the less likely it is you can determine it's sex.

    Mind you, really experienced herpists can give a rough guesstimate by judging even a hatchlings tailbase.

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