
Discussion in 'Rainbow Bridge' started by CheriS, Aug 16, 2002.

  1. CheriS

    CheriS Is well known here

    Mickey, our 9 month old Dragon was put to sleep in May. As some of you know, he has not been well since October, with what we suspect is a virus, but as long as he had a fair quality of life, we tried to do all we and our Vet could for him.

    In May he became much sicker, that quality was no longer there, or able to recover it and it was time to be a responsible pet owner and let him go.

    Mickey was from the Godzilla-Gold Froggy blood line and a trooper til the end. Above is a picture of him before his health failed him again.

    Just prior to passing away, he turned back to the glorious gold with lavender color he had as a baby and that we first knew him as. I think that was his way of saying "remember me like this, not how I have been lately"

    Thank you Mickey for the priviledge of knowing you for the past 8 months and all the joy you gave us. I wish we could have had more time together, but it was not meant to be.

    Forever in our thoughts and hearts

    Axe and CheriS

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. blessedbe

    blessedbe Embryo

    The most important thing is he had the BEST parent's he could ask for in his short life and that's the MOST important thing!!!! Sorry for your loss.....

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