:cry: I just got a new anole from the jc fair and he will not eat. I have tried crickets,store bought dried crickets,turtlefood,fish food, and flies, all he does is drink off his leaves! Please help me!
First how long have you had it? this is kind of hard to do without much info like size of enclosure, lioghing, etc. Post that than you can get some educated answers.
You should read up more on reptiles before you get them. Don't buy it from the fair. It's very stressed right now. Your anole is probably adapting to its new environment if you just got it. It will take some time for it to feel comfortable in its new environment enough to eat. Please post more on your setup for the anole. Other things can make your anole go off feed such as temps, humidity, lack of hides. Here is a good care sheet: http://www.kingsnake.com/anolecare/
well my anoles tank has rocks on the ground,leaves,about 70 degrees lotes od big rocks to get underanything else needed to know?oh and i got him this friday night.
does that help at all cause i am about to try catching some moths for carrol cause alot of threads are saying this they will eat.Will post with some results after i put the moth in cage(if i catch one)
Rule number 1 with any herps do not i repeat do not introduce things from outside.. Unless baked or boiled and of course you can't do that to a moth. Animals from the outside have parasites. These pesky little things are not good. The chance of getting a moth with a parasite is slim but why take the chance? I know i just totally contradicted myself but oh well :roll: and Lizard man Lane is right it takes some time for herps to get use to its surrondings. Just give it a little time but don't put it off.
He needs more hides than just rocks. You should add an actual hide such as a coconut hut that you can find many places. Never feed insects from outside because they could have parasites and other bad things that could get your anole sick like Fable said. Also you should get a better substrate than leaves. I would suggest reptile carpet since it is easy. Are you using UVB? The temps should be 80ºF overall gradient, 85-92ºF basking spot, and a 75ºF cool spot.
ya they love to climb so i would go to a pet store like petsmart and buy lots of plants. just ask a person that works there for reptile help then ask wat u all need.
Hey Kittykatkayla have not heard from you how is he/she doing?? Post A.S.A.P. like to know how things went.
oh hey guys my anole has till not eaten and i got another hiding place it is like this hut thing that has little rooms and stuff,a heat lamp, and lotes more plants like ivy leaves and more so i am clueless now about wat to do with her. She will not eat anything !
try not to force her just leave the crickets in there during the day and take them out at night do u have a uvb light?
no wonder it isnt eating there food needs to move thats y and a uvb light helps them digest there food... you need a uvb light!!!!!
ok well thanks but the guy at petspart said they like dehidrated crickets better and what is a uvb light and is it really expensive
well to be blunt the guy at the petstore must be a pothead. all insecovorous reptiles like live prey better. and like i said before uvb lights are the long skinny ones with a florecent like bulb(looks like florecent but dont use an actuall flourecent bulb it will be usless) there about $15