Outdoor tegu enclosure

Discussion in 'Monitors & Tegus' started by DJeter26, Nov 14, 2004.

  1. DJeter26

    DJeter26 New Member

    ok, my Tegu is growing, and fast,lol. I want to make an outdoor enclosure for him for when he gets too big for his enclosure now. Anybody have any ideas how to do this? I live in South Floridam so I'm sure the climate will permit it. any info is appreciated, thanx.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. theTegu

    theTegu Embryo

    Anything at least 8 feet long, 3 wide and 3 feet tall. If I was building outside I would build as large as I could. Make sure to secure it well and put on a roof. Not just to keep the tegu in, but also to keep other animals out.


    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. KaMiKaZeE

    KaMiKaZeE Member

    Agama International in Alabama has had great success using outdoor enclosures for their tegs made by building a sturdy fence using corrugated aluminum which starts buried 2 ft down underground (to prevent escapes from burrowing) and ends at 4 feet above ground. Also they build a custom lip on the top edge of the fence which extends straight inwards for about 1 foot into the enclosure. This prevents them from being able to tripod and jump up on the fence far enough to get a claw over the edge. They use no roof because:

    1- most roof materials would at least partially block out the sun or it's beneficial UVR

    2- there really isn't much out there in the way of an animal which would be able to get over the fence and into the enclosure, which would present any danger to the tegus (adult tegus anyway).

    3- its much cheaper not to build a roof.

    Now that isn't to say it can't be done well with a roof or that you should not build a roof. Roofs have pros and cons for outdoor enclosures. You may want to build one just so your neighbors can't tell what you've got and complain about it. You may want to keep out the rain (although rain won't hurt them and some tegs seem to enjoy the occasional drizzle). Also a roof would be a good idea if it gets too cold during part of the year and you want to be able to effectively heat the enclosure during winter. (again in your florida clime, it wouldn't be an issue. Also they will hibernate which protects them anyway).

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