Veild Egg Questions Reply ASAP PLEASE

Discussion in 'Chameleons' started by geckonewbie, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. geckonewbie

    geckonewbie New Member

    my female veild is digging her hole and i got the hovac incubator but ive sceen people put lines on there eggs where do i put them and what kind of marker

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. ThePHX

    ThePHX Member

    im NOT 100% sure, but i think people do that so they dont flip the egg upside down, i think they are just marking that as the top of the egg...but like i said im not 100% sure

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. kinyonga

    kinyonga Member

    The mark on the egg is put on the top of the egg before you move the egg from where its buried so that if you happen to roll it when moving it to the container you are going to incubate the eggs in you can put it back upside right. You need to use a non-toxic marker.

    However...I have never done this. In my experience, if you dig the eggs up and move them to the container as soon as she has finished burying them and has gone back up into the branches, there is no problem if one gets turned a little.

    Make sure that your female does NOT see you watching her when she is digging or she may abandon the hole. If she abandons it often enough, she could become eggbound. Please be aware though that a female may dig several test holes to find the place she feels is suitable and then continue to dig that hole.

    Let the female bury the eggs and tamp down the hole and return to the branches before you dig up the eggs.

    What temperature are you going to incubate them at? How are you setting up the incubation container in the hovabator?

    Here's some information you might like to read...

    Good luck!

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