I have had my beardie - puff - for about 5 years now. I am soliciting advice due to the lack of herp vets in my area and her lack of actual change in behavior. Puff has developed a white pach of scales right on her beak, up through her nostrils, the spot also appears to be slightly raised above the skin level from her surrounding scales. It isn't soft, isn't leaking liquid, same "feel" as her other scales. It has notfringe-ing color like that I have read of in burn cases, and I would suspect a shed, but she has never had this happen with a shed before. I will upload pics here shortly.
to me i am thinking fungus it may be a good idea to take her to the vet i have never seen that before but the way it looks it reminds me of a fungus
It looks like a stuck shed to me. Try soaking it with a warm wet towel and slowly rubbing at it to see if any of it comes off. Don't pull at the scales if there is any resistance at all as you can pull off a layer of skin unprepared to shed. Just gently work at it to see if it comes off. My beardie gets a stuck shed on and inside his left nostril every time he sheds and I always have to manually remove it. This picture looks a lot like that, especially around the nostril area.